When it comes to collecting Funko Pop! figures, owning a Golden Ticket is something straight from a world of imagination.
That dream just became a reality for Pop Price Guide shareholder and contributor GrailMonster, who just purchased one of Funko’s holiest of grails.
And he does so in record-setting fashion with (what we believe) is the most ever paid for a Funko Pop!
The epic deal went down on Thursday at Chalice Collectibles in Glendale, Calif., when GrailMonster purchased the ultra-rare Golden Ticket – 2 Pack from a private seller.
The price? A cool $100,000.
Watch the official video of the sale here –
Golden Ticket 2-Pack
This rare Funko Pop! features Willy Wonka and an Oompa-Loompa fashioned entirely in gold. Funko produced only 10 of them in 2016 and awarded the 2-pack solely to fans who discovered the elusive Golden Ticket at the 2016 San Diego Comic Con.
Read more about the Golden Ticket and Funko’s history of Willy Wonka collectibles by following this link.
Funko was founded in 1998 and quickly gained a strong footing in the annual $500 billion FanMerch market. In recent years, interest in older Funko items and limited runs (500 pieces or fewer) have increased with some sales reaching upward of $30,000.
The purchase of the Golden Ticket – 2 Pack for $100,000, however, obliterates the mold.
PPG Big Ticket Task Force
GrailMonster’s monster purchase coincides nicely with the recent development of our big-ticket task force.
Documenting prices on some of the rarer and higher-end sales on Pop Price Guide can be arduous, given that many of these sales happen in the private sector and not on the likes of eBay, Mercari, etc. This can lead to out-of-date estimated values.
Read more about the project to better document collectibles with limited runs (1 to 108) and higher estimated values ($1,000 and up), including the methods by which we document and authenticate them by following this link.
I got a feeling. Amazing!!!!!!!
Started looking for those others, in particular the six that disappeared!
Any luck?
“”A Little Nonsense Now And Then Is Relished By The Wisest Men.””
That’s awesome.! Now he should open it and give it to his kid to play with😵
Rumor has it that happened to one of the other 9.
Seems like a huge waste of $100K but that’s just my opinion 😀
I sold #3 for $3k shortly after winning it.
The gentleman I sold it to has sold it (I’m not sure for how much). However, I still have the golden ticket for mine – don’t know how much that would change the value (I wouldn’t think by much). I am literally feeling sick having read this.
sounds like you need to go john wick on someone..
I know for a Fact that 1 is in BellVue Pa And is Owned by Chuck Rimel Owner Of the Collecter’s Cave/Bellvue Beer Distributor. Not sure which #of the 10 it is but its 100% Authentic…
What a damm idiot . 100k for a funko pop lol . Youll never recoup that money . Might as well just went to the strip club and made it rain . At least then you would have seen some trim .
This is crazy I thought some Funko Pops were rare but this one $100k its crazy
Wow i wish i had that
As of July 10, 2023 he sold it for $210k
Indeed, we reported on that here.