Happy Funko Soda Saturday!! We’ve add a bunch of new Funko Soda figures to the PPG database.
Shop Funko Sodas on the Pop Price Guide Marketplace here, then add them to your PPG Showcase!
See all Funko Soda by following this link.
Newly Added Funko Sodas
Squiddly Diddly (with Saxophone)
Less than a week remains to join more than 1,200 fellow collectors in owning a part of Pop Price Guide! This round of PPG Crowdfunding will conclude on April 22! Unlike a donation, an investment with PPG and the hobbyDB family of brands means that you’ll do well if we do well. The funds we raise help us to add lots of new features and tools to enhance your collecting experience. The best part? Investing can be done for as little as $100. Full details here!