New Look Pop Price Guide: Separating Autographs, Customs and More!

Thanks to our new upgrades and others arriving in the coming weeks, we’ll be able to show you exactly what you want to see when visiting the site.

That means making it easier to find items such as Autographs and Customs, while in turn decluttering variants and subvariants.

We have added a large number of Customs, Errors and Prototypes to Pop Price Guide and our partner site hobbyDB, in addition to our recent venture into Autographed items. Plus lots more for fans of Funko and beyond.

Squad Member Maelstrom, for example, has 10,000 Hot Wheels Errors to add to the database. We are also in discussion with a number of parties regarding thousands of Autographed items. And dozens of Customizers have asked for their work to be added to the site.

While that is great for fans of these items, it can sometimes make finding production models difficult. We knew that we needed to make some changes to accommodate all of this new data.

So instead of showing say 15 Variants on an item, we plan to show you the two models made by the Brand (say Hasbro or Funko) and then items that have either been autographed, are a prototype, an error or have been customized.

And if you prefer Autographs or Customs you will be able to set those as your Default.

You can find the first version of that already on the Site, here for example a Funko Pop! that now has its 10 Customs separated –

So far, we have done this for Customs, Errors and Prototypes.

Arriving Soon

  • Autographed Items will be their own group
  • We will deduct the numbers that are not Variants so that the Charizard above will show only two Variants

And this is all part of a new View coming to the Database

For example, we have 5,666 Ford Hot Wheels in the database. But only 276 of them are separate products, the others are all Variants and the above (Autographed Items, Customs, Errors and Prototypes).

You will be able to toggle from the current view with those 5,666 Database Items to one that shows you only 276 Variant Groups. Here is an early Mockup of what that might look like while searching for the words “Dairy Delivery”  –


Let us know what you think! Leave a comment below or message us at with any questions, concerns or kudos!


5 thoughts on “New Look Pop Price Guide: Separating Autographs, Customs and More!

  1. I want to be able to sort my collection by items that had the steepest value drop over a course of time like a year or half a decade

  2. This is a good start as I find it annoying that it show the value of a custom item. I don’t see the point in showing a custom item because it’s a custom which mean only very little is made it’s not a mass product.
    Custom should be in its own category

    1. You are in luck as you will not have to look at them going forward! You would only see them if you click on Customs.

  3. So I would love to Have my Freddy Funko as the White Ranger Graded by you guys. It’s a Limited Edition (525pcs). to have something that rare graded in my collection would be insane.
    from the list of pops, I could see myelf picking that Freedy Kruger. would look great in my Horror section.

  4. I like this very much. As someone who doesn’t want to have to go through a bunch of customs and autograph items that only appeals to a very small and specific group of people when searching for things, this will be a welcomed new feature.

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