We finally have our first look at wave 3 of the Harry Potter Pops! This wave will include Mad Eye Moody, Professor McGonagall, Harry holding the prophecy, Fred and George (not pictured), Umbridge, Lucious Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange. Check them out below! (Apologies for the low quality of the images.)
No word on a release date at this time.
This might be the best looking wave yet. When are we going to see Fred though? You can’t really do one without doing the other.
**Warning JOKE ahead, not real news or rumor**
Fred will be a Chase piece. It will be the exact same figure as George but the box will say Fred.
I am extremely happy with this wave. And agree with Ryder this may be, overall, the best looking and most well designed wave. I’m actually even happy with the new variant of Harry with the prophecy. Finally a new mold for him. Can’t wait to see these join the others on my shelves.
Harry, George and Lucious look so cool!
Wow. Loving these! Will get them all 🙂
Awesome set!! Exceptional Pops! They definitely have personality and so many little details. I have to own a few of these for sure.
So assuming Fred is number 33 we are still missing 27 – 31. I’m guessing there is another image that hasn’t been leaked yet. As a Harry Potter completionist this is an expensive time to be a collector.
Good point! Just listed them all and noticed 23-25 are also missing, but 20-22 are accounted for twice (Cedric, Sorting Hat, Neville + 3 Hogwarts Rides). 27-31 & 33 are a bit exciting, but the possibility of them being exclusives is a bummer.
23, 24 & 25 are a 3pack summer con special. It’s the 3pack with the pixie, grindylow and the mandrake.
The numbers on the train set are the same as some harry potter pops because they used the numbering of the pop ridez collection
Ah, the Ridez are separately numbered, of course! The creature 3-pack must be like you said, but they aren’t numbered because it has the 3-pack logo instead. Still, you must be right, as it makes the most sense. Thanks!
The 3 creatures are numbred on the back of the box, just not on the front (which I find rather confusing).
Theres always the possibility of 27-31 being prison Bellatrix, invisible Harry, Harry and Hedwig, Ron sweater and Harry sweater
It is Ron sweater and Harry sweater
#29,is Bellatrix in Azkaban prisoner attire. It is confirmed with a glam shot in the forums.
Absolutely love this set! Can’t wait to get them! I have all the HP pops up to date except for rides, the 3 pack with Harry, Ron and hermione and the Dementor!
So awesome!!! Thanks Funko ;]
27 is Sweater Harry and 28 is Sweater Ron
i love this wave the only ones that im going to pick up in harry and mad eye moody