Funko delves into the worlds of James Cameron and Yukito Kishiro’s cyberpunk manga “Gunnm” with a new Pop! Alita: Battle Angel collection.
One of the last remaining cyborgs of her kind, Alita wages battle with Zapan in the post-apocalyptic hellscape of the former United States (near Kansas City, to be exact) in the upcoming feature film.
Alita gets four new Pop! vinyl figures with different bodies, including Doll, Berserker and Motorball. That’s in addition to a Black and White Berserker Body exclusive to FYE.
James Cameron’s “Alita: Battle Angel” doesn’t take to the silver screen until December. Funko’s Pop! Movies: Alita: Battle Angel arrives in stores in October, but you can preorder yours today.
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Merch content before movie leads me to suspect the movie isn’t going to be worth buying the content after 😬
Hahaha. Fingers are crossed.