New The Walking Dead POPs Coming Soon

The newest editions to The Walking Dead line are arriving in November and include the Apocalypse’s toughest Red Head Abraham, Michonne in her Alexandria Constable Uniform, fan favorite Morgan (super excited about that one) and a season 5 era Rick Grimes. You can find them for preorder at Toy Wars and Entertainment Earth.

And for anyone who finds themselves missing a certain redneck a Daryl Dixon Fabrikation is also due out in November and can be found at Entertainment Earth.



3 thoughts on “New The Walking Dead POPs Coming Soon

  1. I would love to see some of the original characters, dale w/ r.v., beth w/ hymnal =)~, andrea, bob stinky (as my wife and i call him, etc. Also, maybe some variants such as maggie on a horse, daryl with squirrels and rabbit, long haired/bearded governor, milton memmet zombie, shane zombie, and a regular shane for pete’s sake. I could go on and on.

  2. Oh I know I would love a Dale, T-Dog, Walker Sophia (I mean really why has she not been made?), Sweater Set Carol, A Grisly Bearded Bloody Rick (Like after he took care of Joe) and so on 😀

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