Is your collection covered?

You track your collection here on PPG, you see that number in green telling you the monetary or investment value of your collection….but are you covered for your collection’s value in the event that your collection is lost in a fire? Stolen? We have partnered with Bluewater Insurance to offer collectors of all types coverage against those unforeseen events. The cost is minimal and the benefits extraordinary, and all it takes is a quick questionnaire to see how Bluewater can help cover your collection!

19 thoughts on “Is your collection covered?

    1. This picture should have a disclaimer, “Will cause massive anxiety in collectors”

    1. Hey! I just confirmed that your form has been sent in. Shouldn’t be long before you hear back from them! If you don’t hear back soon shoot us an email at We will hunt em down for you 🙂

  1. Thanks for bringing this to ppg. I’m new into pop collecting (few months) it will be nice to not have to worry about damages in the case of unforeseen circumstances. Still waiting to see what they quote me. Available in Washington State if anyone was wondering.

    1. Hey! Just checked to make sure your form was sent in, it was! Shouldn’t be long before you hear back from them. If you don’t hear back soon shoot us an email at We will go all mafioso on em and get you that quote 😛

  2. Thanks for sharing this info. crazy stuff happens. I’ve always had a tiny little thought in the back of my mind like “what if the house catches fire?” I sure would hate to lose my collection forever because of something like that.

  3. Protect your collection. I got some awesome pop protectors at Use a discount code pophoarder for 10% off ! The discount makes it the cheapest and best protectors out there ! Just thought I’d share !

  4. Follow up to my previous comment. I just heard back from blue water. Although they are polite and engaging. It seems in order for ones collection to qualify for the insurance, the collection has to be valued at a minimum of $5,000 USD.

  5. Interesting. I have renter’s insurance. I should check and see what’s covered.

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