This Freddy Funko is All About Making Fun

Odds are you weren’t one of the handful of people able to hit up the premier of the Funko movie, Making Fun – The Story of Funko, which debuted tonight at the Chinese Theater in Los Angeles. Those who did attend walked out with this keen Director Freddy Funko Pop Vinyl. As of now we don’t know how limited it is, or if it will be offered at future showings or the Funko Shop. Thanks Funko Experts for the news!

6 thoughts on “This Freddy Funko is All About Making Fun

  1. Pretty sure it’s not worth buying at this time. That aside, I could imagine how special this event was yet I heard from a few in Instagram that the screening felt too long. Wonder what the runtime is…

    1. This was a Director’s Cut. They are still looking to trim it down to a more manageable time.

    1. I am pretty sure it was only available at the Hollywood Premiere of Making Fun, although you never know – especially if Funko doesn’t make an official announcement themselves… considering the other “Director” POPs were all very limited it seems like that it might really stay a Premiere Exclusive (the other Directors POPs are – Bryan Fuller LE 144, Paul Feig LE200, James Gunn LE500). Director Freddy is the biggest run so far. Howerver, how limited the run was is unknown as of when I’m commenting, but the theater hold just over 900 so people were guessing anywhere from 1000 to 1500, but again who knows.

      1. No, I mean I was at the event, I already have one…I just want to add it to my collection on the website so I can keep track of it

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