Eleventh Doctor in Spacesuit Pop! Giveaway!

The giveaway is now closed! Thanks to everyone that entered! Winners will be selected tomorrow and notified by PM.

Did you miss out on the Big Game Vendor exclusive Eleventh Doctor in Spacesuit Pop!? Well then, we have some good news for you! Our friends over at Big Game Vendor have kindly given us 20 (yes, twenty!) to give away to Pop Price Guide users!

All you have to do for a chance to win one of these- now sold-out Pops – is to be a member of Pop Price Guide and sign up for Big Game Vendor’s newsletter (you can do that on their website here.)

Once you’ve followed those two simple steps, just comment below! You can let us know which Doctor Who Pop! should be made next, tell us your favourite episode, whatever you like! As long as you comment, you’ll be entered.

There are a few terms and conditions so please read the following very carefully:

This giveaway is only available for U.S residents. (Sorry!)

Entries can only be verified if you sign up to BGV’s newsletter with the same email address you used to sign up to PPG.

No multiple accounts/sign ups please. Anyone abusing this will be banned and their entries will not count.

The giveaway will end at 6p.m (Mountain Time) on Sunday 27th March 2016. Any entries after that time will not be counted.

20 winners will be selected at random and will receive a message with details on how to claim their Pop! (You will need a BGV account to claim your prize if you are a winner)

Good luck!


240 thoughts on “Eleventh Doctor in Spacesuit Pop! Giveaway!

    1. Really hope to have a Vashta Nerada, Judoon trooper, Clockwork robot and the Master from “sound of drums” but we need Martha, Donna, Mickey, Amy and Rory yet.

    2. Favorite episode the lodger and a pop figure they need to make is the eleventh doctor with Stetson cause Stetsons are cool

    3. Subscribed also looking for Amy funko. Great episode was when they go back in time and the Daleks were thought to be on their side. Love the the show love the funkos put them together what a perfect match.

  1. We need a Martha Jones or Micky Smith Pop. The current line of Who Pops is a little on the pale side.

  2. Entered and loving it! Thank you for all the PPG news and information. I’d be so lost without you all! Also I would love to have this Pop! to start building my Doctor Who collection back up after selling most of it to help out with a sick family member. Keep up the great work!!! Thanks again!

  3. I love these contests! This Doctor looks amazing! Was way bummed to miss out on him. :-/ Just now getting in to Doctor Who.

  4. Judoon should be next (with unmasked variant)
    My fave episode is…Doomsday

  5. If I were to dive into more I’d love to see

    River in Astronaut Suit
    River in Library Space Suit
    Vashta Nerada
    B&W First Doctor
    B&W Second Doctor
    Third Doctor with Bess (Ride)
    Third Doctor
    Kindness Robot
    Old Man Eleven
    Fifth and Tenth Time Crash 2 Pack
    Empty Child
    Rose (Bad Wolf GitD)
    War Doctor
    War/Tenth/Eleventh Day of the Doctor Three Pack
    Eighth (Night of the Doctor)
    Cybermen Variants
    Dalek Variants (Supreme/Exploded Caan/Chained/WWII)
    The Master

    I’ll be waiting for all of those…and a royalty check :p

    1. Love that list! The doctor who’s are our favourites and glad to see another that loves them as much!

  6. I’m entered in the contest. Crossing my fingers for a win.
    I would LOVE to see a Rory and Amy Pop Vinyl!

  7. I’d love to have an Ood pop. Also, I’d love to see the rest of The Cult of Skaro made into pops!

  8. My favorite episode is the one with Vincent Van Gogh and all of his “hallucinations”. It was too funny. “Dr. Who” is my favorite show from across the pond. This pop is awesome and would love to own it. PPG is awesome! *Fingers crossed*


    and so many more!

  10. My boyfriend loves Doctor Who and this would be an awesome surprise for him! (His birthday is Monday πŸ™‚ ) We missed the first preorder and was broke when they were available again lol so this would be so cool to win! Thank you for the opportunity!

  11. I’m subscribed! I would love to see an Amy and Rory two pack. My heart would melt.

  12. This will go well with my tenth doctor in spacesuit ? I would love to see miss pond as a pop or Rory as the sentinel*

  13. Oh man, what an awesome giveaway! I’d love to see Rory and Amy, Donna, Martha, an Ood, Missy, Cassandra (Moisturize ME!), the Face of Boe, SoufflΓ© Girl (Clara in the Dalek!)… so many!

    Subscribed! Good luck everyone!!

  14. Rather than another Doctor Who related Pop, I’d like to see a Torchwood Set/Individual Pops. My favorite Who episode is The End Of Time. In my opinion, it is David Tennant at his best as the Doctor.

  15. We desperately need the Ponds, 6″ Lady Liberty weeping angel, Clara, Astronaut River Song, and last but certainly not least 11th in his Tux πŸ™‚

  16. I am in the process of rebuilding my collection and I was upset to miss this one. I really hope I win!

  17. Subsceibed! And I’d love a metallic Cyberman!! And as many 10th Dr. variants as they want.

  18. I want to see the master and his variations in it. Also it would be cool to see other villains put in play.

    Favorite episode is “the last dalek” episode. The episode kept me on my toes more than any I’ve seen.

  19. Awesome contest. This would actually be my first Dr. Who Pop (new Pop collector), which I’m sure would open the floodgates of me trying to get all of the previous ones and any news ones that are released.

  20. Hey! I really would love Martha Jones to be in the next line of DW pops. I think that Lady Cassandra and Empty Child would be awesome too. Also, I love the episode The Girl in the Fireplace. It would be neat to have a special pop box with Madame de Pompadour and a fireplace, as well as a separate one with the Clockwork droids. ??

  21. Donna Noble.
    Martha Jones.
    5th Doctor.
    The Master.
    Ood Sigma.

    More torchwood. Ianto and Toshiko especially.

  22. All signed up. I am actually entering this contest because my sister and her husband are huge fans. This would be an awesome gift to give them so they can start their own pop funko colllection.

  23. The War Doctor should be made next! Also… Mickey The Idiot from Season 1 and 2. Wish he could have been released with wave 2 though :/

  24. These contests are awesome. I would love to add him to my collection. There needs to be pops for all of the companions!

  25. Subscribed! I don’t know why we haven’t seen an Amy Pond Funko yet! I need her!

  26. Would love an ood pop! “The last dalek ” is my favorite episode. Thank you for giving all these people a chance to win one of these pops!

  27. Man, I’d like to see a rory pop! And my favorite episode would have to be the empty child. So creepy but cool.

  28. -Roman Rory
    -Police Amy
    -B&W old school doctors
    -chorome cyber man and dalykic
    -10th doctor after transformation (hand optional)
    -GITD Bad Wolf Rose
    -Giant Size 1800s Cyberman
    -Pop Rides Amy and the pandorica
    – Battle damage Tardis
    – Bad Wolf Tardis
    -Face of Boe
    -Astronauts Riversong
    -12th Doctor and T-rex
    -10th Doctor with cowboy hat and Hawaiian shirt
    -Historic figures: van goeh, churchill, etc.

  29. Unpopular opinion: I love to see a POP! made from any of the infected characters in “The Waters of Mars” episode! First one I ever watched!

  30. I just started collecting Pops and this would be a great start to my doctor who line. A metallic cyberman would be awesome.

  31. They should make Martha, Amy, Rory, and Clara pops! Oh and Strax! I want a potato pop man!

  32. I would love a Missy pop! She was my favorite thing from the last season. Or, if they want to do more classic Who, a Fifth Doctor pop. My fave doctor.

  33. I’d really like to see a “The master” Pop.

    Then that pop could hang out with the Ming pop from Flash Gordon and Lo Pan from Big trouble in Little China. All evil. All the time.

    Dr. DOOM can come too…

  34. I think a dr who pop ride, like the tarsus with Rose in it would be great. Or a shiny bright metallic cyber man or gold dalek.
    Hope I win, good luck y’all!

  35. Subscribed! πŸ™‚

    The next dr who pop should be the devil from the Satan’s pit episode! FAVORITE Episode!
    So sad I missed the space suit bc I was signing on all week it was suppose to be avail :'( crossed fingers haha

  36. Would love to see the 1st Doctor and an empty child pop! Far too many to list, as some have already made fabulous suggestions! As for favourite episodes in recent times, empty child, any of the weeping angels, and day of the Doctor.

  37. Good thing I’m already signed up for their news letter.
    If I had to choose a few new Doctor Who Pops, I’d say Davros, Twelfth Doctor variant with his guitar and sonic sunglasses, and maybe even a variant with his new screwdriver, Missy, and the Master. Rose Tyler Bad Wolf variant, or maybe one of her having just looked in the time vortex. Also Martha Jones, The Face Of Boe, War Doctor, The Great Intelligence, Strax, 2 pack of Vastra and Jenny, 2 pack of Amy and Rory, with a Roman soldier variant of Rory. Those would be some awesome Pops.

  38. Favorite episode “Journey’s End”. Some of the Pops! I would like to see are Astrid Peth, Clara Oswald, Prisoner Zero, Strax, Madame Vastra, Judoon, and Snowmen. It doesn’t really matter I will collect them all, just keep the Pops! coming. P.S. more variations are always welcome, I love the hunt to try and track them down.

  39. Yes please?! I have been checking for this pop figure every day since PPG first posted about it and the one I had in my cart disappeared as I was entering my credit card info. Winning this would be AWESOME! πŸ˜€

  40. Donna Noble. personally, I didn’t like her, but might as well have all the companions.

  41. Subscribed! I would love to see a Sontaran pop, aka the potato lol. Also my favorite episode is “Vincent and the Doctor” with Van Gogh.

  42. Subscribed!! I love this site!!!! Hopefully I can win one of these pops πŸ™‚

  43. I would really like to see Amelia Pond, Rory, Clara, Donna, Martha, Mickey, War Doctor, Doctors 1-8 and their companions.

  44. Definitely need Amy and Rory. I’d also totally buy a Madame Vastra, Jenny, and Strax.

  45. They should make a War Doctor Pop
    So far my favorite episode is School reunion, when the 10th Doctor reunites with K-9 & Sarah Jane

  46. I want an officer Amy / centurion Rory two pack.

    Favorite episode is The Doctor Dances “just this once. EVERYBODY LIVES!”

  47. Favorite Doctor- the Tenth.
    Favorite Episode- Night Terrors and Sound of drums.
    Favorite Who PoP- Tenth Doctor w/ 3D glasses.
    Favorite Season- Season 3 (Tenth Doctor)
    Favorite Companion- Amy and Rory.
    Which Who PoPs should be made next- The Ood would look pretty sweet I think. Also an Old man Tenth and Eleventh Doc =P.

    Thanks PPG and BGV for the opportunity. Great work as always guys n gals =)

  48. Need to make Doctor Who Pop’s – MOAR BADDIES!

    Female and Male Clockwork Robots
    Judoon with and w/out helmet
    Vashta Nerada
    Ice Warrior
    Whisper Man
    The Teller
    Half-Face Man
    The Foretold
    The Beast (6″)

  49. the second doctor, patrick troughton! Beatles haircut, fur coat! But really, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 all need pops!

  50. Just signed up and BGV and the newsletter also thanks. And a Dr Who 2 pack with any doctor and the Metallic K-9 dog would be a cool one.

  51. Signed up! Now I really need a Donna Noble pop! Like seriously, why hasn’t she been made yet? And the variants for her are endless. In her wedding dress, in her flapper outfit from the Agatha Christie episode, her big jacket from the Planet of the Ood episode, her Turn Left time travel jacket outfit….

  52. Already signed in to the newslatter, i think they should make a chase version of the eleventh doctor in spacesuit that would be pretty cool, I hope to win! God bless everyone!

  53. Hope I win so I can get my first Doctor in a space suit! If like to see so many more pops from the show. I think the evil snowmen would be awesome!

  54. There is so just many Dr. Who options to list and just so many amazing episodes. I love Dr. Who

  55. Commented and subscribed! I’ve been a Doctor Who fan for three years (still going strong) and would love to see an Ood Funko Pop! Maybe there could be an exclusive or chase variant of a Mad Ood as well. Thanks for the giveaway, good luck to all!

  56. Just suscribed. I hope I win since I’m just starting out collecting. It would be a great addition.

  57. More twelfth doctor variants, ESPECIALLY him with a guitar and sunglasses. Then eventually with his red velvet coat and new sonic screwdriver.

    Also a metallic cyberman. I want some classic cybermen, those would look amazing.

    As for new ones I want: Clara Oswald, Donna Noble, Martha Jones, Third Doctor, Missy, Delgado!Master, Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, Jo Grant, Sixth Doctor, and Barbara Wright. In other words I want everyone lol

  58. Subscribed to newsletter…. I would love to see a War Doctor Pop! in the future. It would be a great addition to the Doctor Who Funko Pop! line. Thanks for the giveaway!

  59. Subscribed! I would love to see the doctor using the sonic screwdriver pop figure! Favorite episode is when planet earth blows up!

  60. Favorite episode is the two part Family of Blood saga. And give me Pops of the Judoon Platoon Upon the Moon!

  61. My favorite episode is “Daleks in Manhattan /Evolution” I love the twist on the classic beauty and the beast storyβ™‘

  62. I just want to try and win one for my brother, we’ve recently got into the pop vinyls and he loves doctor who

  63. Subscribed…. Wouldn’t mind River innher Astronaut suit, or an Amy/Rory two-pack!

  64. Wilfred Mott (Donna’s Grandpa)
    Vashta Nerada
    Empy Child
    Bad Wolf Tardis
    Glowing Eyes Donna
    Bad Wolf glowing eyes Rose
    War Doctor
    Dalek Ironside WWII variant

  65. I love the episode where the 11th doctor realizes the Weeping Angel is in Amy’s mind. His reaction is priceless. ??

  66. Ok I would love the 10th doctor and rose as a set from my fav episode The Idiots Lantern. I love their costumes in that one so much!

  67. Hey! I was already signed up with PPG’s newsletter and now I just signed up with BGV Toys newsletter! I hope I win this Pop!!!
    I never win anything so winning this would make me exceptionally happy!!!

    I would like to see a different variant of the Tardis Pop…
    Like maybe an exclusive graffiti variant. I think that would be really cool for the Doctor Who, Toy, Graffiti Artists Enthusiasts.


  68. Subscribed! What about another Adipose variant, another tardis variant, and a weeping angel variant. (Hands on face, glitter, clear, etc.)

  69. Would love to see an Empty child pop made! That episode was so creepy and awesome at the same time!!

  70. Subscribed. Clockwork people from The Girl in the Fireplace would be awesome as Pops.

  71. I want to see an awesome War Doctor pop!
    Day of the Doctor is my favorite episode, it has the best doctors in it. and not to mention John Hurt, one of the best actors ever!

  72. I would love to see a Donna Noble, Chan Tho, or Master Pop! My favorite episode is Doomsday. Well, er, it’s also one of my least favorites because we all know what happens but it’s just so good! One of the best episodes of anything to grace television. πŸ™‚

  73. The one doctor would be sweet!! My favorite episode is when the 11th doctor come in

  74. I’ve always said that Davros would make an awesome Pop ! ! It could just be such a cool sculpt if it was done right – I wish they’d make him. Same with Donna Noble in a wedding dress, an Ood or Strax – there’s just so many possibilities with Doctor Who, and I really hope they come out with more series of Doctor Who Pops πŸ™‚ Signed up on PPG and BGV ! !

  75. Done and done! Please pick me, I’d love to add this to my Doctor Who/Funko collection!

  76. Would love to see Amy and Rory as a Pop!
    Angels take Manhattan is a goodie! I really want to have this pop in my collection!!

  77. War Doctor, More Classic doctors would be great, a master, missy, two pack of the Ponds, Three pack w/madame Vastra, Jenny, and Strax

  78. Subscribed!

    I would love to see a War Doctor, Amy, and Rory. I also would love them to add some metallic or Chase versions to the collection – instead of only the Glow in the Dark Adipose.

Comments are closed.