The Daily Deal, A Do-Over AND Hurricane Relief? Help Us Help!

Happy Friday Everyone!

I’d like to start off by announcing Bang Zoom Kaboom! An early adopter of the marketplace, Trusted Seller, and an exclusive hobbyDB seller! The team at hobbyDB works very closely with him and he has been phenomenal helping fulfill orders from unreliable sellers and making sure his customers are well taken care of!

Make sure to take advantage of 10% off of all listings from him! His full inventory lives HERE!

Special Announcement!

We have a very special announcement today! We want to make sure the Daily Deals are available to everyone and know that catching a deal on a specific day might be difficult. So we have asked all of the sellers from the week to REOPEN all of the sales again on Sunday!

This means an entire extra day to take advantage of the sale you missed! This week has been a lot of fun so far with the Daily Deal. We hope that it is a fun and helpful way for you all to grow your collections.

Wait! That isn’t all!

Hurricane Relief

We want to give back. hobbyDB wants to help. We need help! This weekend, Saturday September 23rd and Sunday September 24th, hobbyDB has agreed to donate all collected fees to a Florida Hurricane Relief Effort. We know that these storms have affected a big portion of our community and feel it is necessary to do what we can.

This weekend is a great weekend to build your collection and help out people who are truthfully in need!

We have not solidified an effort to donate to, but we are currently working on finding one and would love your suggestions! We didn’t just want to give to any effort. We really want to donate to those that are doing the most work and need the most help. If you have any suggestions please comment below and let us know!

Thanks again to all of our Trusted Sellers who are participating! Thank You to hobbyDB for supporting this endeavor! And Thank You to the entire PPG Community for giving us this platform to work from.

Cheers and Happy Collecting!

John, Alex, Brian, Chris, Jackie, Joe, Kenji, Kerry, Leslie, Marija, Michaal, Misti and Dayne

The Geeks at Pop Price Guide

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