Funko Goes Green With 2019 SDCC Pop! Marvel Reveals

Gamora might be currently lost to the cosmos in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but the Guardians of the Galaxy heroine can be found among a quartet of new Pop! Marvel vinyl figures making their debut at the 2019 San Diego Comic-Con.

The green guardian joins Doctor Strange counterpart Wong (yes!) and Captain Marvel foil Minn-Erva.

But, the most intriguing Pop! making its Funko debut, however, is Man-Thing. The Contest of Champions gladiator and protector of the Nexus of all Reality, Man-Thing makes for an intimidating vinyl figure…and Entertainment Earth exclusive.

Where Gamora doubles as a HotTopic shared exclusive, Wong and Minn-Erva can be found specifically at Walgreens and GameStop, respectively.

Look for shared exclusives of the SDCC releases to hit stores the weekend of San Diego Comic-Con, held July 18-21.

Pop! MarvelPop! Marvel

Pop! MarvelPop! Marvel