Funko Reveals: 2020 WonderCon Anaheim – Day 2

The 2020 WonderCon Anaheim might be postponed indefinitely, but that won’t stop us from enjoying the latest from Funko’s convention reveals, which enters its second a final day.

Originally slated for April 10-12, Funko will instead hold its second Virtual Con (#FunkoVirtualCon) that same weekend. In the meantime, Funko will be unveiling its 2020 WonderCon Anaheim reveals between March 19-20.

This is a live blog, so check back frequently for latest WonderCon updates.

Check out yesterday’s reveals here.


3 thoughts on “Funko Reveals: 2020 WonderCon Anaheim – Day 2

  1. Just out of curiosity does anyone like the Soda Figures?? I personally don’t like the look of them, maybe the cartoon design just doesn’t appeal to my inner otaku like the POP! Figures do!

    1. They are more cartoon like, but I like them because there’s more to them with the can and the pog.

  2. I like the design of Fruit Brute and Yummy Mummy but I see what you mean. So far the few I’ve seen haven’t been appealing. At least not to my sensibilities.

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