Yesterday was ‘Alien Day’ which meant a bunch of new Alien: Covenant merchandise was revealed! Funko wasn’t absent from the news and unveiled their line of Pops from the upcoming movie. You’ll be able to add David, Daniels and a new Xenomorph mold to your collection in June! Funko also revealed two exclusives. You can snag a bloody Xenomorph from GameStop and an Oram (complete with Facehugger) from Hot Topic! Check them all out below, and please support the site by checking them out at our great sponsors.
Alien Covenant Pops @ Entertainment Earth
Alien Convenant @ Pop In A Box US
Alien Convenant @ Pop In A Box UK
Lol so I guess oram dies xD and what about #431???
I reserved these at a local GameStop. They are listed on my receipt as Alien: Covenant #1, #2, #3, #4, and #6. Since the Oram is a Hot Topic exclusive, I’m assuming that’s the #5. So what is the one I’m getting that hasn’t been revealed yet? A Neomorph? Tennessee (McBride’s character)?
ehhhh idk about the blue stripes on the morph it looks cheesy, would have preferred black.