Toy Wars Sale & Coupons – $3 off Pops, 20% off Preorder Sets

Our good friends at Toy Wars not only have a great sale going on right now, but also some great preorder deals. First, using the code POP3 upon checkout gets you $3 off on in-stock Pop Vinyls (no preorders or clearance). Additionally, you can save 20% off the Guardians of the Galaxy Set of 8 with code GOTG20, 20% off the Power Rangers Set of 5 with code PR20, 20% off the Lost Set of 7 with code LOST20, and 20% off the Fallout Set of 6 with code FALLOUT20.

One thought on “Toy Wars Sale & Coupons – $3 off Pops, 20% off Preorder Sets

  1. Thank you very much for this tip! I’m scouring the interwebs for the best deals on pre-ordering GOTG, Beauty & the Beast, Power Puff Girls, and Gilmore Girls sets. D:

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