17 thoughts on “Toy Wars Sale – 5 Pops for $35!

  1. Tried ordering 5 Pops for $35 at Toy Wars and discount was not added. They were going to charge $45 plus shipping and tax. Total was $56. So I canceled order. Better prices on EBay. Not the first time I tried to take advantage of a sale from Toy Wars and was unable to.

  2. What is regular price for them? Have tried many different combos of 5 ( not clearance or pre-order) and no matter what i do the price doesn’t change in checkout. Am i doing something wrong? Have never ordered from them so I might be missing something?

  3. Yeah same here, looks like they just try to lead you to the site to buy stuff based on a discount that’s not even available, so once you have it all in your cart, it makes it a little easier to go ahead and pay for it. Buncha Crap.

  4. This worked for me when i put in Jinx, Thresh, and three fallout pops piper valentine and codsworth they were all priced 9.99.

  5. Hello. I just wanted to clear up a few things about the sale we are having. All POP! that is priced at $9.99 are included and we have changed it to included preorders. Any of the POP! on this link will work for the sale:


    Shipping is free for orders over $50 after any discounts and before tax. The discount should show up in the cart before checking out.



    1. I see that it works for Pops that are $9.99 but not Pops at are less or more than $9.99. Or is it only a few chosen Pops? At least that’s what it seems like when I try to place an order.

      1. Never mind. Tried buying 5 from the list you gave me and still didn’t work. Canceled order again. Buyer beware.

    2. Too bad the deal says any regular priced pop in stock if you look at the fine print. Nothing says $9.99 at all. Therefore, this is called false advertising and if it is not applied to all regular priced Pops then it shall be reported to the BBB.

      1. When did you try ordering, if you tried ordering on the date of your post, March 15th, it will not work since the sale ended on the 13th. The sale worked on pretty much any pops listed at 9.99 for me so I’m not sure how you were having problems.

    1. When did you try ordering, if you tried ordering on the date of your post, March 14th, it will not work since the sale ended on the 13th. The sale worked on pretty much any pops listed at 9.99 for me so I’m not sure how you were having problems.

  6. Work awesome for me got 4 of the 9.99 Overwatch preorder and a Reaper. Thanks, ToyWars.

  7. I got the sale for pre order pop’s the only thing is that when I was going to check out it said I was $0.04 to free shipping so I added a pop key chain and checked out but didn’t get the free shipping, not till later did I find out that free shipping only applies to orders over $50 after discounts if I would of known I would have just bought more pop’s.

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