Fans of The Twilight Saga have probably been howling for a line of Pops, well the day has come! Announced today, the set includes Edward Cullen (regular and tux variants), Bella Swan (regular and wedding dress variants), Jacob Black, and Jane of the Volturi Guard. Toy Wars has the set for 20% off (using the code TWILIGHT20, and you can also preorder the whole set over at Entertainment Earth.
There will also be a few exclusives down the line! Barnes & Noble will be stocking a “golden eyes” variant of Edward while Hot Topic will offer a glittery alternative! We also got a look at one of our first NYCC 2016 exclusives today: a hooded version of Jane.
Will you be adding any of these to your collection? Let us know in the comments!
I can’t wait to see all the hate these get ? If you don’t like Twilight, great, don’t ruin it for those who do
I wholeheartedly agree!!!!
Just saying you hate something doesn’t mean it’s autamatically ruined.
^ Agree with MissHalie, and I’m not a Twilight fan. Just be happy they’re expanding and consistently getting more licenses for Pops. Keep in mind that taste is subjective and yours is far from superior.
i will 100% be getting these! i’m so excited for them!
Just when you thought that Twilight garbage had faded into the sunset…
Isn’t this fad over? How many of these do they expect to sell? Will these be blown out at discount alongside the Jupiter Ascending and Warcraft Pops? Or are there sleeping Twihards ready for an awakening?
I’m just glad it’s the first time in history that i can firmly say NO to a pop.
This is a classic “if you don’t have anything nice to say then don’t say anything all” situation.. These are so cool and cute and I’m so ready for them!! Just sucks at the unnecessary hate they’re getting
I never realized we stepped back in time to 2012
I do like the exclusives in the Twilight series but other then that Edward and Bella seem awfully plain to me. I wish they would have made the “Vampire Bella” and the “wedding dress Bella” different due to the fact that one is her in human form and the other ( if it wasn’t obvious) as a vampire. I believe they should have made her super white and made her eyes a glowing red. I also think that they should make any future adds to this series in a glitter variant. Just my opinion of course!
It’s funny how people called for a Edward glitter variant before the line was even announced and now funko answered
I’m excited to get all the Edwards and Jane, not to keen on the Bella ones.
Not really a fan of these or the Twlight series. I’ll most likely pass on them. To bad they didn’t make the eyes glow in the dark for the B&N’s Edward exclusive it could make that POP the most sought after one out of the series. I know there are some out there who only collect the glow in the dark POPs because of that.