Funko have officially announced their line of Sailor Moon Pops! This highly anticipated series includes Sailor Moon with Luna, Tuxedo Mask, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Mars, Sailor Venus with Artemis and Sailor Mercury. Funko gave an expected release date of July, though a couple of characters have been spotted at Hot Topic stores on the West Coast already, including an exclusive Sailor Moon with Moon Stick and Luna Pop! Check them all out below.
Sailor Moon Pops Coming Soon!
Oh, thank god they held off on Chibiusa.
In earlier listings it was only three of the inner senshi including Chibiusa along with Tuxedo Mask. I couldn’t bear for the inners to be split across different series!
Makes sense that Chibi would be 90… I’m just hoping they actually DO release the outer ones. And preferably in one wave. With Chibi, that makes it 5 which is reasonable.
Wonder if Moonlight Knight is planned
A hot topic exclusive sailor moon is actually 90
This may be the first time I actually try to collect a whole set…
I already pre-ordered mine today. This is one collection I want to be complete 😀
They have sailormoon and a few others available at multiple hot topics in southern California
Super excited! 😀