Funko’s Top-10 Most Valuable Rat Fink Wacky-Wobbler Bobble-Banks

In an ironic twist, some piggy banks are worth more without your loose change in them. Such might be the case with Funko’s Rat Fink Wacky-Wobbler Bobble-Banks.

Wacky-Wobblers played a big role in the early days of Funko, the same way Ed “Big Daddy” Roth was instrumental in Southern California’s Kustom Kulture of the 50s and 60s. A collaboration between the two was an obvious slam dunk.

Big Daddy’s Rat Fink is universally recognizable with its rugged, crazed look and anti-Mickey Mouse sentiment. And it made for a great Wacky-Wobbler Bobble-Bank. We decided to take a look at the most valuable among them.

Remember, estimated values tend to fluctuate, especially as we add more and more items and price points to ensure the guide’s accuracy. WE COULD USE YOUR HELP!

Scroll below for more information on how you can help us build and update prices on our Rat Fink and Big Baddy Roth databases. Then follow this link for a current list of the Most Valuable Rat Fink Wacky Wobbler Bobble-Banks on PPG.


Top-20 Rat Fink Wacky-Wobbler Bobble-Banks


10. Rat Fink – Glow in the Dark ($125)




9. Rat Fink – Blue with Black Shirt ($240)




8. Rat Fink – Green with Red Shirt ($240)




7. Rat Fink – Orange with Purple Shirt ($260)




6. Rat Fink – Gray with Purple Shirt ($260)




5. Rat Fink – Black with Purple Shirt ($270)




4. Rat Fink – Purple with Orange Shirt ($330)




3. Rat Fink – Green Metallic ($350)




2. Rat Fink – Red with Black Shirt ($350)




1. Rat Fink – Metallic Gray / Silver ($400)



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