Funko held another livestream via Periscope this evening. They showcased several new items including many upcoming Hot Topic exclusives! First up: four new Pocket Pop! Keychains. Pink BMO, Elvis Stitch, Metallic Ursula and a Retro Bullseye Batman will be making their way to Hot Topic stores soon.
(Image courtesy of Instagram user oneclickawayog)
What’s next? Why not Zoidberg? Or alternate universe Zoidberg to be more specific!
There will also be an exclusive metallic Maleficent Dorbz available at Hot Topic soon, with a limited run of only 1500!
Not a Hot Topic exclusive, but awesome none-the-less, the chase variant of the Ariel Dorbz figure was also shown during the stream. The human version of Ariel will have a 1:6 ratio.
with Zoidberg, you wrote alrernate instead of alternate. Just thought I’d point it out.
Thanks, good spot!
Any thoughts on when that lovely Maleficent Dorbz will be released? Need to keep an eye on it!
We think sometime in February. During the periscope, they said Hot Topic would have more information on Monday.
Can’t wait for that Drogon 6″
So it’s Monday….
I am interested on when we might here on Maleficent and I really want Ursula….they’re so shiny.
Any rumors or news or anything anywhere?
That was supposed to be hear..ugh