PPG site issues summary

Hey PPGers. We’ve been experiencing some issues, had some questions, had some suggestions, and have really just had a lot going on. I’d like to take a moment to summarize what I can think of at the moment. Feel free to comment if I’ve missed anything.

I can’t reset my password and/or register an account

We’re having an issue with outgoing mail that affects anything that sends any kind of notification. This includes registration (confirmation email), password resets, reported listings, and the contact form. Sometimes the email goes out, sometimes it doesn’t, but the page usually times out. This has been a *major* problem for some time now, and we’re finally getting the server folks to fix the issue. It has been nearly fixed in our test environment (just one more bug to work out) and will go live in the very near future. In the meantime, if you have an issue you’re welcome to send us a message on Zendesk, our support ticket platform. We want you to have access and will do everything we can to help. Even if you have submitted a request in the past, please resubmit and we will place priority on it. On that note:

I sent a message to support X days ago and never heard back.

I’ll come clean…we haven’t done the best job of keeping up with the tickets. Part of the problem is that we have so many tickets related to the above issue that we can’t keep up. As of this moment, we’re making a guarantee that a live person will be available from 7am-10am and from 4pm-6pm Eastern Time during the normal work week. We’ll also try to have someone available occasionally on weekends and nights.

Why is that question mark always in the way?

Yeah, we’ve had a few complaints about that, on both the left and right side. It might be staying, it might be going…we’re still in discussion about how to give everyone the easiest access to support.

How can I report listings if the Report Listing button doesn’t work?

You can always send them to us through the support system. While we have been behind on taking care of some of our support tickets, we try to get to these in a timely fashion due to the impact they have on our data.

When I try to add/delete an item from my collection/want list, I get a dark screen and can’t do anything else. What’s going on there?

This is an issue with some pages where the modal form background doesn’t hide itself upon completion of the form the way it’s supposed to. Again, this is an issue the developers are working on, and we hope to have it fixed quickly. To get around this, I’m afraid the best option is to refresh the page. One thing I have noticed, though, is that adding/deleting from an item page rather than a category/search page doesn’t produce this problem. So that’s possibly an easier workaround for now. But…rest assured it’s on our radar to fix.

None of the newly added items have images.

This is yet another issue that was spawned when we enabled HTTPS on our servers – the image uploads completely quit working. As with the others, the server folks are talking a look and we hope to have a resolution soon.

So to summarize…we have had many issues ongoing, and for that we apologize. Thanks to all of you for being patient with us while we work through everything. Hopefully over the next few days I can update this with some “hey we’re fixed!” messages.

14 thoughts on “PPG site issues summary

  1. I vote for removal of the question mark. It is always in the way. Your site is very easy to use. I had no problems navigating when I was a new user. Just move it to the menu.

    1. We need the question mark! Its a huge help if we need to contact PPG administration. Its a huge help!

  2. I haven’t seen an option to make offers on the marketplace, I assume it’s just not built in the system yet. Would love to make offers for certain pops or contact seller but not able to. Hopefully you can add that feature after bug fixes are made 🙂

  3. I’ve noticed a lot of my items don’t show as “owned” when searching PPG site, but they do appear in my overall summary tab.

    It gets confusing as I have to double think if I’ve already added an item to my collection or not

  4. Only issue I have and it’s not even a big deal, is the remember me option doesn’t work. This is the case on multiple different types of devices and browsers, does anyone else have this issue? Again, not a huge deal especially since the picture verification has gone away it has been a lot easier to log in every day.

  5. Only issue for me (as I use PPG mostly on mobile) was the dark screen whenever I added something to my collection, other than that PPG’s fine for me!

  6. I’ve seen so many damaged crushed pops never get removed months go by..they don’t get removed after getting reported. Or the big example of how the DC universe pops get mixed up n land under wrong sold listings..like the bobble head bat man or robin will fall under the non bobblehead DC universe sold listings..it gets reported as error…but error never gets placed under proper sold listings. Right now there’s a sdcc red hulk back of box completely crushed. Prob won’t get removed..even though its been reported. There’s so many very damaged pops under sold listings that fall under the “truly damaged category”. N never get removed. Or example DC universe PX exclusive re issue pops wind up under Original 2010 DC universe pops. I had to contact admin through the (question mark logo to get it fixed). That part is great..but I feel whomever is receiving the error sold listing reports is just like “eh” . There are a lot of serious collectors that like to see the avg value correctly of their funko products. And Funko is getting soooo big and popular. If this wants to remain the #1 source for price guide..(and I really hope this site stays #1). There needs to be something more done. Because the more visitors on this site..the more money you guys make for advertising.. And that’s a good thing for the owners of this site. So please read what I’m posting. I’m just being honest. I love this site. But I’m starting to get frustrated. I can see potential of this site getting millions of views a day. But the errors and reports need to be taken more seriously and fixed..even if that takes a bit of a bigger staff..in the long run..it will be worth it for the site and collectors! :). Thank You

  7. i was wondering about the images and thank you for taking the time to look into it

    Hope to see images up soon~

  8. Was wondering what happened to the changing of the order in the guide by , number high to low or low to high what is it just by alphabetical now? Thus feature helped me a great deal to figure out what pops I am missing when shopping for new pops to add

    1. Nothing yet, but it’s in the queue to work on. Biggest things right now are that, not being able to upload images to items, and some reported listings not going through.

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