With the new ability to list at no cost for Premium Members we have had lots of new sellers joining the PPG Marketplace – which is great.
Unfortunately, we were also noticed by some scammers and already removed more than 40 accounts by bad actors. Please help us by flagging what you think might be a scammer and please ask for actual photos before buying an item like this –
Remember that you can check the current Estimated Value. Remember that you can also learn a lot about Sellers by looking at their Showcase. Here is mine –
Those scam accounts are always 1, maybe 2 days old. And please do not agree to pay on a Private Message via Friends & Family! So far all purchases we have heard were protected by PayPal but please use the tools we gave you to check on sellers. And for an item like this ask for photos from all sides. And while you can get some bargains on hobbyDB we doubt you get an item as less than 1% of its actual value.
Please also note that we assign hobbyDB and PPG sales automatically to the Database Item which in turn means it is calculated into the items’ Estimated Value. If this happens we try to correct it immediately (but with the Price Guide now calculating every hour versus every 24 hours we will miss some of them. If you see a big swing in values please look at the last transactions (and when you see something like this please flag the Price Point).
We are currently working on a number of changes that will make selling for scammers much harder and hopefully impossible (more on this soon). Please help us by not “feeding” them!
Keep up the great work.