Greeeeeen! Emerald City Comic Con Funko Exclusives: Wave 1

The first wave of Funko’s Emerald City Comic Con exclusives have been revealed, and as expected there’s a lot of green to be found (and to be spent, but that’s another story). The first wave includes figures from many properties, mostly animation-related, but is sure to have something for almost everyone.

Dorbz Green Arrow & Black Canary 2-Pack
Pop Animation Scooby Doo The Creeper
Pop Muppets Superhero Kermit (LE 2000)
Pop Animation Buff Rick & Summer
Pop Animation The Peanuts Peppermint Patty
Pop Animation Michigan J Frog
Pop Emerald City Crusader
Hikari MMPR Megazord (LE 250)

Dorbz Ridez The Great Gazoo
Pop Muppets Superhero Kermit (LE 3000)