As you know, PPG has been working very closely with the good folks at hobbyDB, the providers of our wonderful, booming marketplace. Recently, we were talking about a super cool Hot Wheels video done by Rock Fish Productions (previewed below), including history of the hobby, collector interviews and insights, and more. We thought…how fun would it be to have a video made especially for Funko collectors! So we would like to know, how interested would you be in a video like this? Would you purchase one? Would you help a funding initiative to cover the costs? This is an exciting endeavor to be considering, and I’d love to hear some feedback!
Would you be interested in contributing to the production of a Funko Fan video?
- I have no interest in this. (60%, 569 Votes)
- I'd definitely buy one! (21%, 198 Votes)
- I would contribute to a funding effort to get it produced! (19%, 182 Votes)
Total Voters: 949
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