BoJack Horseman, the popular adult cartoon on Netflix, will be added to the Pop Vinyl line this May. Keep your eyes open for BoJack Horseman, Princess Carolyn, Diane Nguyen, Todd Chavez, and Mr. Peanutbutter. You can currently preorder these from Entertainment Earth.
BoJack Horseman Pop Animation Coming in May
It’s weird that the boxes say “age 3+” when other adult shows have 15/17+ on the age section.
I can not wait for these
I cant wait to get my Todd pop, because I can most likely get an auto graph from Aaron Paul.
Ideas for exclusives/chases: Secretariat Bojack, Mr PB in his sparkly pink suit, Mr PB decked out in strainers, giant paper-mache head Todd, Starbucks Mr PB, washed up Diane (when she was living at bojacks), prison Todd, toad, and tomato sauce Todd and Mr PB.