Batman: The Animated Series Wave 2!

Images of the second wave of Batman: The Animated Series have surfaced and they look great! The set is made up of Robot Batman (with a chase variant), Catwoman, Clayface, Scarecrow, Phantasm and Bane. Check them out below!

Preorder From:
Entertainment Earth

Pop In A Box (UK) Pop In A Box (US)

Don’t forget, the next Legion of Collectors – Funko’s DC bi-monthly subscription box – has a Batman: The Animated Series theme. Which Pop! do you think we’ll see inside? Let us know in the comments below!

16 thoughts on “Batman: The Animated Series Wave 2!

  1. I bet the Legion of Collector’s Pop will be a Batmobile (at least I hope it is!) Grey Ghost would be cool too.

    Absolutely snagging Catwoman, and they did a fantastic job with Phantasm and Bane

  2. Finally a new Batman Chase! Only sad thing is I already know I’ll be paying some hiked up price for it! Haha

  3. Already pre-orderd this set….it’s amazing!
    Really hoping the LoC goes with a 2 POP box (Mr. Freeze & the Ventriloquist) or maybe a POP ride (batmobile w/ Alfred or Roxy Rocket w/ rocket)

  4. I really want to know what 196 and 197 are. Definitely Freeze… im really hoping for manbat!

  5. I think the LoC might be penguin because an image of him is on the box in a preview for it.

  6. I am so excited!!!! I got them all! I just hope I get the batman robot face one.

  7. Penguin is who Funko showed on their little tease movie for the Collectors Corps box. Great Catwoman and Phantasm! May have to pick those up along with a Bane.

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