We love introducing new features on Pop Price Guide to help you maximize your collecting experience. With our new tool, now you can tell us what you love…and what you don’t.
Introducing Member Ratings, your chance to rate your favorite and least favorite items in the entire Pop Price Guide database.
Look for the “Member Rating” box located on every item page just below the item title. By simply clicking the “Rate” button you can designate a rating of your choice for that item based on a five star system (with five being the best). Then be patient, your vote will show on the item page once our system recalculates every 24 hours.
Pro tip – if you’re not seeing the “Member Rating” box on item pages, try clearing your cache.
Go ahead and start by rating five or so of your favorite and not-so-favorite items, then let us know what you think! We’d love to hear your thoughts, concerns or clear up any issues you might be experiencing. Shoot us a message at support@hobbydb.com.
And yet I still don’t have the option to organize my Wish List into sublists like I could in the old PPG.