Pop Price Guide Migration: Improved Showcase and Collection Pages

The Pop Price Guide migration moves forward as we now have time to add new features and tools to the PPG experience.

Before the migration, all of our time was spent keeping the site’s out-dated technology on life support. We now have the tech to improve Pop Price Guide, beginning with our Showcase and Collection pages.

In the past there was the one page that showed your collection. Now there are two  –  Showcase and Collection.

We break down what each of them does currently and what’s on the horizon when it comes to these important PPG tools.

The Pop Price Guide migration moves forward as we now have time to add new features and tools to the PPG experience.


As we like to say, think of your Showcase as your museum. This is where you come to proudly show-off and share your collection.

Located under the My Stuff drop-down menu, your Showcase is where you’ll find your Collection, Wish List, and Top-10 list, plus much more, all cleanly displayed.

Featured Items

Want to see your favorite Pop! figures atop your Showcase? Set your Featured items by simply clicking the icon in the upper right-hand corner of any item in your collection. These will be the first items that visitors see when they visit your Showcase (they are denoted with a light frame).

As of this morning you have the ability to sort your collection by Estimated Value (as well as Newest / Oldest add to your collection or show Featured items first).

PPG Migration

Top 10

You’ll find your Top 10 list here in your Showcase. We’ve introduced a time stamp that shows the last time our system re-calculated your collection’s value.

Private items will not show in either your Showcase and Top 10. If you’d prefer to not display your Collection Value, that can also be set to private.

Choose Account Settings under your username drop-down menu. Then scroll to the bottom and check the Display Total Estimated Value of Collection box.

PPG Migration

My Contributions

If you’re a contributor to either Pop Price Guide or hobbyDB, look for the My Contribution stats located above your Top 10. Here is where you’ll find site stats, such as number of items added, prices added and subjects verified.

Want to be a contributor? We’re always looking for enthusiasts to join our team of volunteers that assist with adding and verifying items and prices, as well as eBay listings. Click the vertical green Contact hobbyDB button on the right side of every page to reach out and let us know.

PPG Migration


Share Showcase items of your choosing with your friends and other collectors. Use the Showcase search feature to highlight specific items from your collection (Marvel, Pop! Movies or Darth Vader, for example) — which can then be shared via that page’s URL.

PPG Migration

Soon you’ll be able to share your Wish Lists in the same manner.


You’re going to want your Showcase to pop (pun intended) off the page. Avatar and Banner images give your page a look tailored to your own preferences. Personalize your Showcase further with customizable “Name” and “About” text options that best describe you and your collection.

PPG Migration

If others like your Showcase, they can like it by clicking on the little heart in the top left of the page.  We will be adding a Like Count and the ability to see all the Showcases you liked so you can follow them.

Coming Soon to the Showcase

But we’re not done there.

No collection is the same. And how we like to view our labor of love varies from collector to collector.

Welcome back Collection Categories

We’re re-introducing the ability to categorize your collection to meet your own interests with the introduction of Subcollection categories.

Fan of Marvel? Categorize your collection into subcollections such as MCU, X-Men and / or simply Marvel villains.

The best part is that we’ll leave the creation of subcollections completely up to your discretion.

As you can see in the image below, BatCollector has categorized his Pop! subcollections by Batman, Batwoman, and Robin & Friends, as well as Joker, Poison Ivy and Various Foes.


Also on its way

Now that we’ve added Estimated Values to your collection, we’ll soon be adding more stats, including number of items and total paid (which will be optional).

You’ll also soon be able to sort your collection by estimated value (coming this week) or alphabetically.

As for your Top 10, we’re adding trending arrows to show which direction your items are heading. We’ll also provide the option to hide Estimated Value from your Top 10 list.

And by popular request, a Top 10 list for your Wish List.


Whereas your Showcase is your museum, think of your Collection page as your back office.

This is where you manage your collection with tools to change information, add images, set items as featured or sell collectibles no more needed. It’s also here where you’ll find our Bulk tool (delete, make private or feature) located under the Batch Action’s button.

You’ll also notice that we’ve restored your notes, which can also be found here in your Collection page. If these look incomplete, let us know and we can investigate.

All of your information will always be available on your item’s individual page. It’s here on the individual item page in your collection where you can also add your own custom images of your actual item, as demonstrated by this Boba Fett Pez. 

PPG Migration

Coming Soon to Collection page

You asked for more items on the page and we heard you, upping the number of possible viewable items to 50 per page.

That includes a new List View, also showing up to 100 items per page.

We’re adding more filters in the Collection page, including the same customizable sorting tools as also found in the Showcase.

That’s in addition to more customizable fields for the Collection overview page. For example, you’ll be able to sort your collection by showing “price paid” and “date purchased,” while omitting fields such as “condition” and “location,” or any other combination that suits your collection. 

Starting with an update on Thursday, we’re also working to improve the sync time between when you add an item to your collection and when it shows on your Collection page. Newly added items always appear instantly in your Showcase.


Contact us

As always, we value your opinion and are happy to answer any questions or concerns. Reach out to us by clicking on the green vertical Contact hobbyDB button on the right side of every page.

6 thoughts on “Pop Price Guide Migration: Improved Showcase and Collection Pages

  1. Will there be an option to sort by price within Subjects, NOT talking about personal collections, but within Pop categories. For instance, say I go to the Pop! Disney subject, will I be able to sort by lowest value to highest value like before the update?

  2. How many items are we supposed to be able to feature in our showcase? It looks there are some that come up as suggestions initially but as you add items they disappear. The thing is, my second page of the “Featured” list keeps showing items that don’t have the yellow star (the stars are blue as if they’re suggestions).

    1. You can feature as many as you like (but we suggest 21 as that is how many spots are on the Showcase’s home). As you feature them they go to the first page. They are sorted by last featured (we might change that later).

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