Day 2 of Funko’s Emerald City ComiCon reveals focused on TV. Six POP!s and one Vynl set were announced today.
Animated Shows
- Care Bears are represented by a flocked variant of Good Luck Bear
- Masters of the Universe has the only Number Limited item of the day. A Vynl set of the Sorceress & Beast Man will be limited to only 2500 pieces.
- Rick and Morty will have 2 figures available. Alien Rick and Alien Morty bring this 3-eyed and 4-armed pair from another multi-verse into our very own.
Live Action Shows
- Game of Thrones army of the undead increase by a large amount with the inclusion of an Giant Wight
- Stranger Things continues with digitizing with 8-Bit Barb
- Doctor Who has another companion join the line-up. Amy Pond appears in her Police Woman Kiss-O-Gram outfit, as she wore it before the Raggedy Man re-entered her life.
Shared locations and availability will be shared on February 28.
Jean Ralphio?