Introducing Pop Shield Pop Protectors

You may have noticed the new “Protectors” link in our menu bar and wondered what it’s all about. Or maybe you clicked it and it was obvious, right? Regardless, I’m here to tell you a little about a new brand of Pop protectors on the market that we at PPG are in love with.

Our friends at 7 Bucks A Pop have created their own brand of protective cases called PopShields. 7BAP was kind enough to send me a group of these to check out a while back, and right off the bat I was super impressed with their quality and durability. The thickness of the material was immediately noticeable, and after folding a few into shape and throwing some Pops in them, it was obvious that PopShields were the new standard for me.

Some features of the PopShields include:

– Extra thick .45 mm acid-free PET plastic, an average of 10-25% thicker than most other protectors on the market. Thicker plastic = Better protection for your Pops!
– Easy-peel protective film that keeps the PopShield from getting scratched before it gets to you.
– Push-lock tab that adds structural integrity to the box when formed, and keeps the Pop inside no matter what happens.
– PopShield logo is stamped on the top flap for brand recognition.

Surprisingly enough, with this quality also comes an amazing price. Generally, protectors are going to run you anywhere from $0.79-$1.50 depending on where you get them, brand, and quantity purchased. 7BAP’s PopShields are an astonishingly low $0.49 each and can be purchased in groups of 10, 50, or 100.

Head over to 7 Bucks A Pop and grab some for yourself! And while you’re there, don’t forget to check out the incredible deals they have on Pop Vinyls (their name is quite literal!).

21 thoughts on “Introducing Pop Shield Pop Protectors

      1. Hi Kita,
        We received your package back today and refunded you for your order. It was clearly destroyed by the USPS which his unfortunate, but we’re always happy to offer a refund or replacement in the rare event that something like this happens.

    1. Looks like your email ended up in our spam folder somehow, but we just responded. Apologies for the delay.

  1. 7BAP is awesome and I agree with you regarding the quality of the pop protectors. Two thumbs up for me.

    Kool kids toys? Anyone experience what I’m experienciuright now? My preorders did not come at all and they are ignoring emails, calls and text messages. Two thumbs down and – star for this Kool Kids Toys.

    1. Went through them once back in October for a pre-order chase exclusive, received it in a timely fashion with no issue’s, I would allow them at least a full business day to respond to your email, like if you sent it today, you should hear back sometime tomorrow, if you don’t then I would try again on Wednesday, and if it really gets bad and you used paypal to pay you can always go through them for a refund.

  2. I bought 50 the first time once i opened them and used them i bought another 100 . Best ones that ive seen on the market so far . Love the tab to keep the lid shut . And the price cannot be beat i promise you that . I dont see how they make anything off of them tbh . Great item and a great company

  3. These feel filmsy to me. For $7-8 I can get the hard sided plastoc storage case for Funko’s at Walmart or on Aamazon. They stack better, are harder and don’t bend at all.

  4. The PopShield protectors are superior to the overpriced hard plastic cases. Those when dropped crack and fall apart and cost a minimum of $6 a piece. The PopShields are durable and cost effective,good enough for a $5 or $5,000 Pop.

    1. Not in my opinion. I’m not dropping them or cracking them either though… they aren’t over priced, they are the same cost, about $7.

  5. How well do these help with stacking? I’ve been in the fence about ordering some but I doubt my wall will be able to hold up as I add more Pops to it.

    1. Based on the curve on top I’m guessing not at all once you get a few stacked. Unless you have Pops in the $100s these seem like waste of money (regardless of brand).

      1. I have plenty of these stacked. It’s not an issue as long as you give a little pinch to the front edge of the protector to get the top to lay down flat. That pinch keeps the top from bowing like they do in the picture.

  6. Love them, ordered a 10 pack from them off of eBay. Had to order a pack of 50 now. Quality is really good on them. I like the tab to keep the lid from popping open.

  7. The price is good but the cost of shipping is ridiculous. You really only start saving money if you buy a pack of 100.

    1. Hi Jeff, we only charge what the USPS charges us. They are very heavy and need to go USPS Priority Flat Rate. If there were cheaper options we’d use them, but at .49 each we can’t afford to take a loss on shipping with these. We hope you understand.

      ps- They are still the best priced protectors on the market even after shipping, which was our goal.

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