We know that no one loves ads. They can be loud, pesky and often ill-timed.
The truth is, however, the revenue generated from advertisements is a part of how we here at Pop Price Guide and hobbyDB are able to keep the lights on each day. So, with your feedback, we’ve created a way for people who hate ads to get rid of them, while also supporting the site in a different way.
We’re excited to announce that with PPG / hobbyDB’s Premium Member subscription, you can now wave goodbye to those ads, while unlocking new, never-seen-before features on the site.
So far you’ll be able to enjoy –
- An Ad Free and Faster Experience: Avoid all of those pesky ads while enjoying a noticeable performance upgrade
- Zero Fees: Sell via the PPG Marketplace without any hobbyDB fees
- Collection Exports: Download your collection at any time via CSV
Plans begin at $9.99 quarterly (every three months) or $29.99 annually. hobbyDB Shareholders and Volunteers are eligible for a 25% discount at $7.50 quarterly and $22.50 per year. We tried our hardest to keep these prices as affordable as possible for our loyal community.
Subscribing to PPG / hobbyDB’s Premium Membership will not only improve your collecting experience, but will also help support the site as a whole and benefit the entire community. If you love hobbyDB, show us the love and subscribe.
Ready to become a PPG / hobbyDB Premium Member? Click the button below to join today!
As a fun bonus, you’ll also receive this fancy badge for your hobbyDB Showcase!
If you’re not quite ready for PPG / hobbyDB Premium, have no fear, regular Pop Price Guide will remain the same.
As always we appreciate your support and can’t wait to hear what you think!
~ Alexandra, Christian, Christopher, Isaac, Timo, Zack & the hobbyDB Team