Just like your collection, we want your Pop Price Guide Showcase to be uniquely your own.
Think of your Showcase as your own personal museum. It’s a place where your collection resides, tucked into categories, which we call Lists, and more of your choosing.
Coupled with the ability to customize the look and feel, sell items and more, your Showcase can, in effect, function as your own personal website. For example, some users have purchased their own URL and redirect it to their Showcase to create, essentially, a free website. Here, for example, is Isaac of hobbyDB’s Showcase at www.canalnoises.com!
Currently, you can add as many images of your collectible as you’d like. That is great if you like to take photos but if that is not your thing or you do not have the time we always had a Standard Image. It was using what we call the Main Photo (here is more on the different photo types) and was generally the best image we had of the item in its packaging.
NEW! A Choice of Standard Image
We’re thrilled to announce that you can choose from two different Standard Photos for each of your items in your Showcase. Perhaps you prefer the out-of-box image of an item (say you have the loose item or just like to show more of the actual item than the package). The best part is that it’s totally up to you now.
So how do you go about setting up a new Standard Image? It’s really easy. You can do so when adding an item to your Collection or for existing items you go to “Collection Management” under the “My Stuff” dropdown menu. From there you can find specific items in your collection by using our search filters. Once you find an item, click the “Action” tab and then “Edit Photos.” Now comes the fun part. Select your desired image and click Save.
You can do the same in the Showcase itself, just click on the Item and then follow the above instructions.
In preparation for this, we started a year ago to add loose photos as another Default Photo which you see when you search (we call those “Show on Search” photos). Take a peek at a few more of the them –
We do ask for your patience as the Squad and our team add more of these new Default images.
You can help out as a member of said Pop Price Guide Squad. Our team of volunteers helps with projects such as this and lots more, in exchange for first-look feature reveals, access to our private Squad forums and exclusive Showcase Badges.
Give it a try and let us know what you think!