Pop! Deadpool Exclusives Get New Costumes

You have to hand it to Deadpool. He’s a superhero of many, many different costumes, getups and attires.

He’s also among the kings of the Pop! Marvel Universe.

Funko announced on Friday a wave of Pop! Deadpool figures, in a follow-up to its Toy Fair New York Reveals in mid-February.

The latest batch makes its rounds among the company’s exclusives circuit and witnesses our hero go under the guise of characters such as Deadpool Cheerleader (Box Lunch), Samurai Deadpool (Game Stop) and Deadpool King (FYE).

For you animal lovers, Wade Wilson’s alter ego also arrives this summer in Chicken Deadpool (Amazon) form — as well as in variants of Mermaid Deadpool (Target) and Pandapool (Hot Topic).

Lest we forget to mention the 7-Eleven exclusive where he’s fittingly clutching a chimichanga.

Pop! DeadpoolPop! Deadpool

Pop! DeadpoolPop! Deadpool

Pop! DeadpoolPop! DeadpoolPop! DeadpoolPop! DeadpoolPop! Deadpool

3 thoughts on “Pop! Deadpool Exclusives Get New Costumes

  1. Do we have a release date on these? I’m worried the HT chase will be impossible to find and I’ll be waiting at the store day 1 if I have to so I can try to score one.

    1. Unfortunately, the only official word we have at this time is that they’ll be arriving this summer. Will try to post an update when we hear any further details.

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