SDCC 2016 Funko Exclusives: Wave 5

Funko have revealed their fifth wave of San Diego Comic Con exclusives and there were definitely some surprises!

First up is the Jack Skellington from Nightmare Before Christmas rocking his PJs!



The most surprising reveal was this set of Hair Bear variants from The Hair Bear Bunch! All three are limited to 750 pieces each.

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Arrow fans will be able to make another addition to their collection with this Malcolm Merlin Pop!


The mystery of when the Chef Deadpool Dorbz will show up is finally solved, limited to 1000 pieces, it will be available at SDCC.


And finally, the menacing Doomsday from Batman Vs Superman is getting the over-sized Pop! treatment.



That’s it for another wave, the next one is due to be announced on Friday, so stay tuned!

15 thoughts on “SDCC 2016 Funko Exclusives: Wave 5

  1. Somehow I knew Malcolm Merlyn was going to be an SDCC exclusive. I really hope he’s one of the ones I can get at Hot Topic or B&N.

  2. Great another exclusive dawn of justice pop. I just completed the set the other week cuz all I needed was the metallic double pack and now that I complete the one set that I try to complete they come out with 4 new ones. Well I got the BAM exclusive patina wonder woman coming and the comic con exclusive patina aquaman pre ordered so now I’m gonna have to find and hope I can get the false god superman and the doomsday pop.

    1. On the secondary market, or at SDCC? Secondary will be outrageous at first, then level off to only your first born… Haha

  3. 5 waves down, 3 to go, still not seeing any Star Wars Pop’s yet, this is like torture!!!

    1. Yeah it is. But I’m excited for Malcolm, but was not all that shocked he an SDCC exclusive. Glad he not numbered

    1. I really hope so! I hadn’t even thought about that one but that sure would be sick. Grodd & Killer Shark too!

  4. I hope we can see some kind of Civil War or Suicide Squad. Joker Henchmen, Joker Pop Ride, Casual Vision, Unmasked War Machine, Bloody Captain America, Scuba Batman, Amanda Waller… Just ideas…

  5. I am really excited about this year’s exclusives!!! Last year I only wanted two or three must haves. This year has been a couple each wave so far. I am going to be broke!!! I really hope that the Malcolm Merlyn ends up at Hot Topic or Barnes, and the same for the Doomsday. Usually the comic con pops go for around $15 for regular 4″, and I can’t remember what 6″ pops went for.

  6. “Oh man! I really need to add yet another unoriginal Deadpool to my collection!” said no one…

  7. I know deadpool can’t die but come on…….. Is there anyone that still wants more dead pool??? If so why??????

    1. There’s still at least two more coming with the chef and cowboy pops, so they’re not done with him yet.

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