Funko’s latest line of Pop! figures gives a new meaning to the phrase “be kind, rewind.”
Time for a trip down memory lane with Funko’s Blockbuster Rewind series. The collection pays homage to those Friday nights of yesteryear and strolling the aisles of the fabled video rental store. Back when the most important decisions were agreeing on a movie to watch and whether or not to go with the Red Vines or Sno-Caps. (Author’s note: always go with Sno-Caps)
You’ll now find them on Pop Price Guide. Peruse them all here and check out some of our favorites below.
What’s a Blockbuster movie you’d like to see Funko do next? Tell us in the comments below!
Blockbuster Rewind on PPG
Click the Blockbuster logo to see them all!