Pop Price Guide Migration: Categorize Your Collection


Your feedback is invaluable to us, especially as we migrate Pop Price Guide from its outdated technology into a more comprehensive collecting experience.

We’ve heard your calls and are excited to introduce a new ability to categorize your collection.

The best part is, how you sort your collection is completely up to you. Sort them by…

  • Brand
  • Series
  • Franchise
  • Character
  • Item type
  • Size
  • Color
  • Flocked
  • The room it’s stored in your house
  • Whatever!!

Step 1: Getting started

Click on the My Stuff dropdown menu and select Dashboard. Here is where you can tailor the look of your Showcase and Collection pages.

Choose Lists under Collection Tools, then click New List in the upper righthand corner.


From here you can name your List, i.e. Marvel, Disney Villains or Mystery Minis, for example. It’s up to you.

Set your List to Public or not and click Create List.


Step 2: Collection management page

Now it’s time to add items to your list. Once again, open the My Stuff dropdown menu, but this time select Collection.

To add an item to your List, simply click the green button to the left of your desired item. From there, click the Batch Actions button above your collection and choose Add To List.


Select your List and hit OK.

Use the same process to remove items from your List.


Pro tip: Use the filter tools on the right hand side of your Collection page to narrow down your items, then use the Batch Action tools to quickly and easily add them to one of your Lists.

We also added the ability to filter via your lists while here in your Collection page.


Step 3: Showcase

It’s time to go take a look at our new List. 

Select Showcase under the My Stuff dropdown menu. That will take you to your Showcase, aka your museum to proudly display your collection.

Your Lists now appear at the top of your Showcase, just below your Collection and Wish List tabs.


Each List can then be filtered by Alphabetically, Dated Added and Featured, as well as Estimated Value.

More new features

We’re not done there when it comes to rolling out new tools and features, such as the ability to now send a sorted version of your Wish List to all of your friends.

Top 10 additions

Located in your Showcase, we’ve added several new features to your Top 10 list. 

We’ve added a chart that displays the historic value of your Top 10 items over a period of time. Simply click the icon on the bottom of your Top 10 list.

You’ll also notice that we’ve added the price trending arrows back to your Top 10, as well as to the database, Showcase and Collection pages. These arrows include percentage increases/decreases, which the old Pop Price Guide did not have.



You can also now set your Top 10 and prices on your Showcase to private. This — and setting Featured items — can be done using the Batch Action tool located in your Collection page.

Reach out to us

We’re always available to answer any questions or concerns and truly take your suggestions and ideas to heart. Contact us by clicking the vertical green Contact hobbyDB button located on the right hand side of every page.

19 thoughts on “Pop Price Guide Migration: Categorize Your Collection

  1. Just a heads-up, it doesn’t look like the “New List” button is visible on the mobile version of the site.

    1. It needs to be fixed but I’ve found that if you rotate your phone to landscape, then you’ll see the button.

  2. I would like to see a total quantity amount, collectibles only represents each pop entry and does not account for having multiples of the same item.

  3. I am still unable to view my collection from the past database. How much longer will it take to migrate my collection to the new database? This is very unprofessional, I have been checking daily since the change and nothing. Many of us have quite a large collection and would not like to go through our collection again. 🤦🏽‍♂️

  4. FYI – When you set your list to private, it is not visible in the Showcase; can only be used as a search feature on the “Collection” page.

    1. Yes, that is correct. We plan to show the Showcase owners items and lists that are marked as private but not show them to others.

  5. Will there be tags that can be used to automatically categorize, as well? PPG already knows which items are mystery minis, for example. It would be silly for each individual user to have to create that category and manually add each pertinent item to that collection.

    1. You can bulk apply items to lists (at the moment 30 items at a time but later more). We do not plan to automatically create lists and apply items to them as that would defeat the purpose of custom lists (users might not want a Mystery Mini list but for example a Batman list with all of their Batman items including Mystery Minis).

  6. First, thanks for the work and the betterment of the site.

    However I’m inclined to agree with previous comment. I liked that from the old site, having items organized from type/brand. Right now I have to scroll through 1200+ items just to choose some and re scroll pass them to see other items and add them to list.

    Maybe a filter option under “pops not added to lists”? would definitely help the endeavor. Would something like that be possible?

  7. Accidentally added the wrong pop vinyl cos this new thing with HobbyDB is awful.

    Do I really have to really have to wait 24 hours until it shows up in my list to be able to delete it??!!

    I’ve never known such an awful “upgrade” in my life.

    Sorry guys, but I’m really not liking this…

    1. The 24 hours are a very conservative number, normally it is there after 10 minutes. You can also find the item immediately (no waiting) here.

      Click on it there and delete it there. Same from your Showcase (just in Collection there is a delay). Please play around a little bit, the new site is VERY different but offers much more once you get used to it.

  8. I’m using the Lists feature and I like it well enough now that I have it put together, but curious if there is a way to choose which lists I’m displaying first in my Showcase? For example, I have 6 lists and when I go to my Showcase, it shows me the first 4 (listed alphabetically), and then I have to choose from the drop down to get to the rest. I would love to be able to choose which 4 show first, rather than just the first 4 alphabetically, as my main collection is Star Wars Pops and so that comes up in the drop down, while my lists for “Other Star Wars” shows up in the first 4 (and only has like 6 things on it). I know that I can choose to display a list of my choice when I first go to my showcase, but I really do still want to see the overall view there, not just a particular list. Any suggestions?

    1. Yes, at the moment you can only select that List that visitors to your Showcase see when they first visit –
      Spotlighting a List

      And yes, your idea is welcome and already on our roadmap – we have just started with lists and we will add much more (for example sorting, lists in Wish List). Sorry that it takes longer than you (and we) would like. We are a small team.

  9. I haven’t used this site in quite a while and am just now experiencing all of the changes. It is easy to see that a lot of hard work and thought has gone into the development of the site! One thing that I used to use quite frequently that I am having trouble finding (if it is still available) is the ability to export my collection into a spreadsheet format. Is that hiding somewhere on the site and/or a feature currently in development that will be coming soon? Thank you!

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