It’s time to open our hearts and our pockets to lend a hand to our friends from down under, both human and flocked.
Funko debuts its new Pop! Bushfire Heroes as part of relief efforts for those affected by the devastating Australian wild fires.
Pick up your PopCultcha exclusive at All proceeds go to the RSPCA Australia.
Only question I have is…
Will popcultcha ship to the US???
Please let me know so I can get my per order in today, thanks
Yes. About $11-12 for shipping
Looks like this one is not restricted. It would stupid to actually restrict this one since it’s for charity 😀
rafael_prefrs is correct. They will ship this one to the United States and abroad.
This link should provide shipping costs for all countries.
Or to Canada?
They will ship these guys to Canada. It looks like for somewhere between $11-17. : )
Not that I don’t like this POP…..I do love it I really do. I wish I could get it A.S.A.P.!!! Yet, I feel they would sell as many if not much more if they made a Crocodile Dundee POP!!!!
Ordered thanks 🙂
This is an amazing and timely idea under the circumstances. Good on whoever is responsible for making it happen. I’m about to pre-order a couple now. Just one thing, we have had ‘bushfires’ down here, but not so much ‘brushfires’ !! “Pop! Brushfire Heroes”. I might be missing something obvious here but thought I’d make mention !
As always, loving your work, and Funko ! Thank you !
Harley. Melbourne.
D’oh. You are 100 percent correct. In my rush to spread the word I wrote “brush” rather than “bush.” Thank you for pointing that out, I was able to fix it. Hope you were able to get a few of these, they’re pretty special for so many reasons. Our thoughts are with all our friends in Australia. Thanks for the kind words, Harley!!