Comments on: Pop! Pikachu Sends A Friendly Funko Wave Everything Funko Mon, 16 Sep 2019 22:30:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: DarthXletra Mon, 16 Sep 2019 22:30:42 +0000 http://localhost/wwwhobbydb/new.poppriceguide/2019/09/16/pop-pikachu-sends-a-friendly-funko-wave/#comment-14984 My take on this is that the Target exclusive one is holding a pose very akin to the classic OG Pikachu of the wild (from Red/Blue) and the original Pokémon card. This new Pikachu in the waving pose looks much more like the fan-favorite Ash’s Pikachu. Again, just my take. If you look up common photos of Pikachu from the anime as opposed to the games/cards it seems apparent.
