A look into Emerald City Comic Con Day One

The epicly awesome four day event that is Emerald City Comic Con kicked off today and I’m going to give all of you an inside look. ECCC has something for just about every facet of nerd culture and enough goodies to make you go broke quick.

Thursday at ECCC is only a half day which is nice to start off with since it gives you time to browse get the lay of the land and get you pumped for all the panels and fun stuff packed into the next three days.

Brick Nation had a really fun display of pure Lego awesomeness with several life sized Lego creations as well as some smaller yet no less impressive displays.

This is just a taste so stay tuned as I will post more cool stuff over the next few days.

3 thoughts on “A look into Emerald City Comic Con Day One

  1. Shame how Funko only has shows in the California area or New York.. What about the rest of us, you biggest customers…??

  2. Meh… either way it’s a flight for me. There’s never a good comic con around Ontario.

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