Collectors Showcase with Isaac Salazar

Howdy! My name is Isaac but you might know me via Instagram as TheAggieGeek. I started collecting back in high school when my friend got me a Star Wars figure and since then I collected many more. I recently got into Funko Pop collecting August 2014 so it’ll almost be two years. The popularity of Funko Pop has definitely grown from the short time that I started collecting! To balance the Funko Pop I enjoy to collect other things and have grown a liking to the Mystery Minis instead! I even started to customize Mystery Minis and I give extras away that I have to people. Thanks for reading. Gig Em!
 1.How long have you been collecting Funko products?
I started my journey August 2014.
2.What was your 1st Funko Item?
First Funko Pop was a Daryl Dixon PX Exclusive that I got a local comic shop.
3.How many Funko collectibles do you own?
4.Do you have a favorite line OR line you would like to see?
I would love to see a Monster Rancher line. High five if you know what I’m talking about! 
5.What are your favorite Top 5 “Must Own” items in your collection?
La Muerte is my number one. She is so detailed. Alien(Chase) is my second because it’s almost a new mold for a chase when usually all they really are is a repaint if you think about it. Third and fourth go to both version of Smaug (gold and chase). Lastly, my GITD Groot that I won in a contest! How cool is that?
6.What is your best deal/favorite find story?
I’ve been fortunate to find “chases” in the wild when I started collecting. But my favorite find was running into two Chase Daryl Dixon Dorbz!!! I got one and the gf got the other. When I saw it on the shelf I was like oh man that’s so cool and when I looked behind others there was another Chase. Best moment so far!!! 
7.What line are you most excited about that is yet to be released?
I’m excited for the new DBZ wave.
8.Do you complete sets with every variant or are you happy to just own certain Pops in a Line?
I collect only certain Pops in a line. Too many to collect if you try to complete the whole set! 
9.Favorite Social Networking group for News,Buying,Trading or Selling?
I love the Instagram side of collecting. Especially when people post their hauls or Pop pics. I also like to read the forums on PPG in addition to keeping track of my stuff. 
10.Do you collect any other types of collectibles?
Sure do. Star Wars Black Series and previous lines. Mystery Minis. And Kotobukiya Bishoujo. And Happy Meal toys.
11.If you could design a Line OR add Variants to an existing Line what would you create?
If I could add something right now it’d be a Rosita from The Walking Dead Pop because so many people were unable to get her Mystery Mini so it seems only fair that they should make her into a Funko Pop so that they can have her. 
12.You win a contest for one single random Pop. What is the one Pop you would dread to see when you opened the box and why?
Anything Batman because there are so many of him out there. I’d probably trade it. 
13.Any advice for new collectors OR Something you wish you knew when you started collecting? Words of wisdom?
Save yourself! Just kidding. People have mentioned it before but I’ll tell you again just in case. Collect what you like and don’t do it for the money. It’s a hobby. It’s meant to be fun. If you start worrying about how much it can be worth then you’re doing it wrong. Prices go up and down. I say collect what you like but don’t get carried away:)
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What made you a Funko fan? We’d love to hear from you,share your story and give you a chance to show off your collection! If you would like to be featured in the Collector Showcase send us a message at OR on Facebook at POP Price Guide and make sure to mention the “Collector Showcase”. Show us your Pop pics and Fun with Funko on our Instagram @poppriceguide anytime!

Collector Showcase Pop Photo Courtesy of Yukiko @

2 thoughts on “Collectors Showcase with Isaac Salazar

  1. Lovely collection and answers! I enjoyed reading your post! I’ll be following you on Instagram now (if I haven’t already!) ✨??

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