Gemini Collectibles just posted their latest exclusive, an adorable flocked Eeyore Pop! If you are a Winnie the Pooh fan like me, hurry over to Gemini Collectibles to order yours now.
*Update: Gemini sold out of the first run, Gemini stated they will get more and will post again Monday or Tuesday next week. Keep your eyes peeled if you missed it.
Wow I missed out before I even finished reading this announcement. Good grief.
Now if B&N would get some more of their Eeyore exclusive.
Wow that sucks, doesn’t everyone need 4 no flipping going to happen with this one lol.
It’s back up for sale
Flocked Eeyore is so adorable, so sad I missed out on him twice 😭
Flocked Eeyore is so adorable! So sad I missed out on him twice!
So is that it? Are they sold out and done selling the Flocked Eeyore?
Going to be so shattered if I have to go to eBay and get a Flocked Eeyore from damn flippers. 😤
Back up for sale
Back up for sale as of this morning
If anyone on here is selling a flocked eeyore for less than flipper prices please let me know. I’ve been trying to get one for my wife. Her birthday was the 9th but to no avail. 🙁