Nana nana nana BATMAN!!!

Watch out Batman the bad guys are coming. The cast of the 1966 TV show continues to go with Riddler, Penguin, Mr. Freeze, and King Tut join the POP! Heroes line. But not all hope is lost, Batgirl will also be coming this summer.

Batman and Robin were not left out of this announcement either. They will be released in 9-point articulation action figures and will come with the classic Batmobile. The batmobile will be the first Funko vehicle that will come with rolling wheels.

6 thoughts on “Nana nana nana BATMAN!!!

  1. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the 60s batman show! Can’t wait for these to come out, and finally more riddler stuff

  2. They are already out. I got King Tut and The Penguin at my local game stop on Friday.

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